Book Review ~~ The Ransom of Red Chief ~~

Today I read the short story “The Ransom of Red Chief,” by O. Henry. I found it very ironic, though funny. The author’s writing skills were wonderfully suited to the plot, describing each step of the plot in detail. I really enjoyed learning about what happened to the men, and the boom also provides an incentive for being honest — the men’s dishonesty resulted in their having to pay and having the plan backfire on them because they didn’t know all the information, which I found to be a good moral illustrated in a funny manner. The men’s plan backfired on them, and instead of earning money, they paid money. The boy that they took for ransom, in fact, turned out to be a troublemaker that his influential father, a mayor, didn’t even want. It was another funny story of O. Henry’s, an author I enjoy reading who wrote many, ironically funny, short stories. An engaging plot written to suit the author’s tone exactly, “The Ransom of Red Chief” is a delightful read I would recommend to just about anyone. I would rate it a 9.7/10.

One thought on “Book Review ~~ The Ransom of Red Chief ~~

  1. Bill and Sam arrive in the small American town of Summit with only two hundred dollars, but they need more and Sam has an idea for making a lot of money. When things start to go very wrong, both men soon regret their visit – and the idea.

    and this is the reviwe

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