Book Review ~~ The Metamorphosis

Today, I read the book “The Metamorphosis,” by Franz Kafka. I found it very interesting, but sad that Gregor had to die in the end. Although at first it may simply seem like a story, it eventually does become clear that it is a metaphor for what Gregor has truly become. He became a source of money to the family, a way for them to survive. They depended on him, but they didn’t see him as a person anymore. Eventually, because of these expectations, he ‘became’ an ‘insect’. It was not, of course, a split-second change as the book made it out to be — it was a slow change. He didn’t actually become a beetle, either — it was merely a symbolism for what he did. When he could no longer provide for his family, they changed, finding a way to provide for themselves and, though taking care of Gregor was a difficult chore, became better people and were able to do more for themselves. They considered Gregor only a pest and immediately thought less of him, simply because he couldn’t work. I would rate the book 9.2/10 and recommend it to people who enjoy reading stories about symbolism that are also interesting stories.

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