Book Review ~~ The Last Question ~~

I recently read “The Last Question,” by Isaac Asimov, a short, sci-fi story. Its somewhat circular form reminded me of “The Big Deal,” as the end caused the beginning to happen, though this story differed from “The Big Deal”. In “The Big Deal,” the ending made the cycle restart because the ending caused the beginning. In “The Last Question,” a powerful computerMultivaclearned how to reverse entropy and stop the stars from running out of energy, as many men over a very long period of time had asked it that question, but by the time it had finished gathering and compiling all the data it needed, there were no men it could present the answer to, so it simply demonstrated, reversing entropy and then flickering out of existence because its last task had been completed and it was no longer needed. This caused life to begin all over again, and the cycle could repeat again and again. I thought that the concept of reversing entropy and causing life to, basically, restart was very intriguing and greatly enjoyed reading the story. The story was skillfully written, and the events were all woven together so that, despite the many different scenes the story showed, it was well-connected and a great story.  I would recommend this story to anyone who enjoys science fiction, likes Asimov’s writing, or is simply looking for an interesting and enjoyable story. I would rate it 9.7/10.

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