Book Review ~~ Anthem ~~

A while ago, I had the pleasure of reading “Anthem,” by Ayn Rand, a very interesting book about a man who dared to think of himself as a single person, instead of as a mindless member of humans, thinking of himself as “I” instead of thinking of humankind as “we” and even naming himself. As he searched for knowledge, he discovered electricity and lightbulbs, unthinkable in a world where no one thinks for himself, only following the decisions of the World Council. In this world where everyone is a mindless unit of a whole, the words inscribed in the Palace of the World Council are: “We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever.” Ayn Rand does a much better job of explaining the atmosphere of the book than I do, of course, but hopefully I’ve explained the book well enough for you to get the gist of it. Though this book is barely eighty pages long, each page is very meaningful, telling a lot about humanity as a whole. I really enjoyed reading this book and recommend it to anyone who likes meaningful books about individualism or just reading in general, as this short, succinct book is enough of a quick read to allow people interested in it to decide whether they want to continue reading after just a short while. I would rate it 9.8/10.

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