Book Review ~~ The Ascent of Man — The Hidden Structure

Today I finished reading the fourth chapter in “The Ascent of Man,” by Jacob Bronowski — The Hidden Structure. I found it a very interesting chronicle of man’s journey to learning about atoms, from the discovery and creation of fire, which led to the creation of alloys and the shaping of other metals such as copper, iron, and gold. The Hidden Structure then continues to explain how gold, a symbol of purity, was the focus of alchemy and was often used as a metal that could extend people’s lives. The chapter continues to explain about discoveries of oxygen and its uses until, finally, thousands of years after alloys are discovered, it explains how people discovered atoms. I found this chapter very interesting, and I enjoyed learning about how Dalton’s simple question provoked a discovery about atoms. This book was very engaging, Bronowski’s skill with words blending with his knowledge of the past to explain how man went from discovering fire to learning about atoms. I would rate this chapter 9.3/10 and recommend it to anyone interested in learning about the journey of man through the centuries.