Book Review ~~ Total Lack of Recall ~~

Total Lack of Recall is another philosophical puzzle in “The Pig that Wants To Be Eaten”, by Julian Baggini. This particular puzzle is about a man who remembers being Arnold Conan, but used to be Alan Wood. Wood was an unpleasant man who got into trouble, and was given the option to have his memory erased and replaced with a set of made-up memories. He agreed, so Conan/Wood remembers being Conan. However, he was Wood for the many years before his memories were replaced, so who is he? He was born Alan Wood, so it seems that he is, in fact, Alan Wood, but he remembers being Arnold Conan. Is it the true past that is more important, or does his current personality and set of memories matter most? I really enjoyed thinking about the identity crisis the puzzle presented, but I only confused myself more as I continued to think. If it is his thoughts and beliefs that matter most, then he is Conan, but since his former memory could just as easily be replaced, does it matter? This was an intriguing philosophical puzzle, and I recommend it to anyone interested in philosophy, logic, or looking for an interesting brain teaser. I would rate it 9.7/10.