Book Review ~~ Son ~~

Today I read “Son,” by Lois Lowry, a sequel to “The Giver” that explains what happened to Jonas and the baby afterwards, but in an interesting way. The first book covers Jonas’s life, but “Son” revolves Claire, who is the baby’s mother. The first section of “Son” is about her own life in the community; the job she was assigned, Birthmother, the Product she produced, and the way she learned about her son, through a classmate of hers who worked in the Nursery. The second covers her loss of memory and, when she remembers her son, her struggle to bring him back, and the third covers the Trademaster, who gave Claire her son but took from her something priceless. I found “Son” even more interesting than its prequels because it explained what happened to Jonah and the baby without just making a happy ending; it told another story of suffering while blending the worlds already created in “Gathering Blue,” “Messenger,” and “The Giver” in a very concise fashion. I would rate this book 9.8/10 and recommend it for anyone who enjoys reading dystopian novels with a bit of a spin on them.