Book Review ~~ The Glass Castle ~~

Today I read the book “The Glass Castle,” Jeannette Walls’s memoir of her life. If it had been fiction, I would still have enjoyed the book; since the book was a true story, it was a lot more real to me and showed me how hard some kids’ lives can be (even though I found Jeannette’s struggles to be full of hardship, there are people with lives far worse than hers). Despite all the problems in her life, though, many stemming from her family, the story really illustrated how close-knit her family was, even though her father was an alcoholic and the family was quite poor. Her story about her father, who was homeless on the streets at the time, managed to earn $1,000 from gambling in a week but gave it all to Jeannette because she hadn’t earned enough to go to college, was truly heartwarming, and the book was filled with times she and her siblings worked together to accomplish something; she and Brian teamed up against some bullies, and Jeannette, Brian, and Lori managed to travel to New York City because of how close the three siblings were. Overall, I thought the story was amazingly well-written, and I recommend it to just about everyone who wants to read a good, fairly long story. I would rate it 9.9/10.