Book Review ~~ The House of the Scorpion ~~

A couple of days ago I read the book “The House of the Scorpion” by Nancy Farmer. She’s also written “The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm,” another book I’ve reviewed, but “The House of the Scorpion” is one of the most acclaimed and a truly amazing book. With an ever-changing storyline, the author shows what the main character’s feelings are as he goes through a process of learning that he’s a clone, learning what they are, and learning the plan of the person he is a clone of. A complex story that left me eager to continue reading, the book is woven together like a rollercoaster. Each character is unique and dynamic in his or her own way. Almost no character’s loyalties go unquestioned; each one seems to have done something against Matt in the past. Things are not as they seem, and as the book goes along, new characters are introduced, new information is released, and the plot changes. I really enjoyed reading the book and highly recommend it to everyone, especially those looking for a good fiction or sci-fi story. I would rate this book a 9.8/10 and suggest that you read at least the first three chapters before deciding that it’s boring.

Book Review ~~ The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm ~~

Today I read the book “The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm” by Nancy Farmer. At first, the book was dull, and I felt like putting it down. It described the simple, sheltered life the Chief of Security’s three children, Tendai, Rita, and Kuda Matsika. However, their Mellower, a person who praised and soothed them, soon hypnotized their parents into allowing them to go a trip. They first had an exciting adventure through the city, but soon things took a turn for the worse when the She Elephant kidnapped them. Luckily, their parents discovered that they were missing and went searching. Their father, as the Chief of Security, had plenty of influence, and soon many people were searching for them. The Matsikas hired the detective agency ‘The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm’ to look for them, which was when things began to get exciting, but dangerous. I thought that the book was very interesting, melding together different elements such as the idea of a dystopian society, though it was slightly altered, overprotected children, mythology, and a haven separate from the rest of the world to create a dynamic story. I really liked the author’s style of writing and recommend this book to children and teenagers. I would rate this book an 8.5/10.