Book Review ~~ Nemesis ~~

“Nemesis,” by Agatha Christie, is another mystery novel, and — like most Agatha Christie novels — has a unique twist to it. After Mr. Rafiel’s death, his solicitors offer Miss Marple twenty thousand pounds if she can complete the task assigned to her — but she doesn’t know what that task is! Mr. Rafiel also sends her on a trip, though, and eventually she concludes that, on this tour, she must have to meet people that will help her in this task or visit a place that was essential to this task. As the story progresses, Miss Marple learns more from people that she meets through the tour or at various destinations, and eventually concludes that her task has something to do with Mr. Rafiel’s son, Michael, who was convicted of murdering Verity Hunt, who he supposedly loved and was going to marry before she was killed. Although Michael had been convicted of various crimes before, Miss Marple and some others doubted that he could have done it, given his character, so Miss Marple set out to learn whether or not he was the murderer, and, if not, who was. I really enjoyed reading this story and recommend it to anyone interested in a good mystery with an unusual twist. I would rate it 9.5/10.