Book Review ~~ There Will Come Soft Rains ~~

“There Will Come Soft Rains” is a book I recently read about a house that operates by itself despite the fact that its owners have abandoned it. Eventually, a fire starts and the house is destroyed. I found it a sad story that could mean a lot of things. For one thing, it suggests that, as the house was empty, humans too are empty and require a meaning to their lives. Otherwise, they too will be destroyed. The book also hints at humans’ reliance on technology, but the way that the technology failed to destroy the fire in the book suggests that humans are wrong to rely so strongly on technology, a theory supported in “The Veldt,” another short story written by Ray Bradbury in which the security guards malfunction. In real life, this theory is supported by the fact that the computer I was blogging from just crashed and half of my blog was lost, causing me to expend extra energy writing. It seems as if the computer agrees with me. I liked the story, but was unsure about what it meant, causing me to rate it 8.5/10. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in reading short stories.