Book Review ~~ The Dance Of the Frogs ~~

Today I read the essays The Dance Of the Frogs by Loren Eiseley. It’s part of the collection of his essays in The Star Thrower, a compilation that I’m reading right now. It’s a really interesting book that I’ve enjoyed reading so far, and I’ve already reviewed some of the other essays in The Star Thrower, namely The Bird and the Machine, How Flowers Changed the World, and The Fire Apes. The Dance Of the Frogs is written in a different style than most of his other works, though, which combine a personal story with a historical story. This one is simply one story that borders on the fantastical, alluding to a gigantic frog king and something religious in a scientific book. I still enjoyed reading it, though, an interesting account of what happened to one researcher. I’m not sure if it’s true and actually doubt it, but it made for entertaining reading that still taught me something about how hard it is to be religious while also a scientist. A story on Native American culture mixed with a story from Eiseley’s life, which incorporates an entirely different story of another person’s life, The Dance Of the Frogs is a complex but informative and entertaining essay. I highly recommend that anyone interested in religion, science, or simply a fan of this author’s works read it. I would rate it a 9/10.

Book Review ~~ The Fire Apes ~~

Today I finished reading the essay “The Fire Apes” by Loren C. Eiseley. An amazing writer, he blends yet another story from his life with a history, but this time, he incorporates something more: an explanation on evolution. The story starts with a single incident, apparently insignificant. The author, however, takes meaning out of it so that we understand something more about evolution, writing about historical events and including facts on evolution along the way. He makes his readers truly believe him because of how captivating his story is. It’s a story that seems personal, that seems to contain his emotion and thoughts while still introducing facts and a story about the fire apes, apes who could create fire. It’s not simply a scientific article, but also a story of what had truly happened to him and his relevations because of it. I really enjoyed learning about his thoughts, his revelations, and his learning. It doesn’t seem like he’s explaining something, but rather that we’re learning it together. The writer, both an exceptional writer and scientist, hooks you in at first before tangling you up in an amazing story. Another essay in The Star Thrower Collection, The Fire Apes is an amazing piece of writing that I would recommend to anyone intrested in evolution or science in general. I would rate it 9.7/10.