Greek Mythology ~~ Artemis and Apollo ~~

Artemis and Apollo are rather similar, natural given the fact that the two are twins. Their father is Zeus, while their mother is Leto. They’re both closely related to hunting, archery in particular, but they’re not ruthless, either — Artemis is portrayed as caring for young humans and animals, being the goddess of childbirth, while Apollo is the god of light and healing. This, too, is reasonable, as hunters spare the younger animals, who can still grow and have children, in favor of the older ones, who would eventually die of natural causes anyway. One major aspect in which they’re different is their sexuality. Artemis is a virgin, even going so far as to kill a mortal who, unluckily for him, saw her bathing, while Apollo has been known to have other lovers. The two are quite close, however, and both of them protect their mother, Leto, and each other. When Hera sent a snake, Python, after Leto, Apollo dispatched it. Similarly, Niobe’s boast that she had more and better children than Leto did did not go unnoticed, and the twins killed all of her children (or at least the majority of them, as myths disagree about this). I respect their loyalty to their mother, and both are portrayed as accurate hunters. Overall, I like and respect the twin deities.